
Tebako announces Ruby 3.3 support at v0.8.0

Author’s picture Maxim Samsonov on 24 Jul 2024


We are thrilled to announce that Tebako now fully supports Ruby 3.3 in the latest release, v0.8.0.

This expansion means that you can now leverage the power of Ruby 3.3.3 and Ruby 3.3.4 as the foundation for Tebako packages, making Tebako even more versatile for your development needs.

By embracing Ruby 3.3, we ensure that a wider audience can benefit from Tebako’s features, including simplified deployment, enhanced security, and consistent application performance across different environments.

A short recap of Tebako

Tebako is a specialized tool designed to streamline the deployment of Ruby applications with enhanced security and portability. It packages applications along with their dependencies into a single, self-contained executable, eliminating the need for external dependencies.

This approach helps mitigate deployment issues related to environment differences and dependency management, making it easier to ensure that your application runs smoothly wherever it is deployed.

Tebako offers several key features:

  • Simplified Deployment: Tebako simplifies the deployment process by packaging your Ruby application and its dependencies into a single executable. This eliminates the need to install and configure dependencies on the target system, reducing the chances of compatibility issues.

  • Enhanced Security: By bundling your application and its dependencies into a self-contained executable, Tebako helps protect your code from unauthorized access and tampering. It ensures that your application runs in a controlled environment, reducing the risk of security vulnerabilities.

  • Portability: Tebako enables you to create executable packages that can run on different operating systems, including Ubuntu, Alpine, macOS, and Windows. This allows you to deploy your Ruby application consistently across various environments, without worrying about platform-specific dependencies.

Contact information

Contact us if you encounter any problems with Tebako, at our issues page:

The team is always on the watch for making things easier for Tebako users.

Press on with Tebako!