
Tebako patching

Author’s picture Maxim Samsonov on 23 Nov 2023

In our post about technology used by Tebako packager we have mentioned DwarFs filesystem, that is used to carry Ruby application and its dependencies. DwarFS is very effective and fast solution but these benefits have its cost - the complex toolchain a long list of dependencies to be satisfied. The full dependency lists on Ubuntu 20 is comprised of 271 package. Alpine needs more, MacOS requires less. The main dependency "dependency chain" is tebako -→ libdwarfs (out memfs access layer) -→ dwarfs (memfs) -→ facebook libraries (folly, fbthrift) -→ google libraries (glog, gflags)

By itself the long list of dependencies should not be and is not an issue. However, we intend to create single-file package. It means that we need static libraries and it is againt against the industry focus. Some of the dependencies cannot be installed as static libraries from the standard packages and Tebako integration complexity is is mainly determined by the reason why static libraries cannot be installed from the standard package.

Few examples:

  • brew formulae for glflags does not include static library. It is easy — we just check if gflags.a is out there

  • brew formulae for glog used bad options to build static library (I think they did not use PIC). It is easy — we just build our copy of glog.a on MacOS if it is out there

  • building static libarhieve is an art on any platform (https://github.com/mhx/dwarfs/pull/55/files), but of course it is doable

  • alpine 3:16 did not support static jemalloc library (not sure about 3.18). It was doable but unconventional — we have to patch system (libc) includes to get libjemalloc.a (https://github.com/tamatebako/tebako-tools/blob/master/ci-scripts/patch-system-includes.sh)

  • libfolly is always static but starting from certain version folly heavily depends on weak references (== dynamic linking) to other libraries. Practically it means that newer versions of folly effectively block the possibility to link dependent libraries statically (I have better explanation somewhere in the comments). It is difficult — we are using outdated version of folly but it becomes increasingly less compatible with newer versions of othe libraries. So thi one is a pain.

This list is not comprehensive and it is volatile. A new version of host operating system or libfolly update can eliminate the need to patch or create a new challenge. That’s why we implement multilayer CI/CD approach in Tebako project. It allows to find and locate new issues at the layer were they originate and keep maintenance effort reasonable low.